Friday, January 23, 2009

In Recovery

Day 8 of my post-op recovery. On January 15, I went under the knife again for the 5th time in my long life. This time it was for PTTD, posterior tibial tendon dysfunction. Wondering how a perennial couch potato acquired such an athletic-sounding problem? It's a long story, but boiled down to a few words, it's the sad result of neglect.

I have a big, bulky splint on my left foot that gives the appearance that it's at least 4 times its normal size. On Wednesday I visited the doctor so they could change the dressing and check for any signs of infection or rejection of a titanium implant between two bones to, hopefully, put my deranged foot back into a more normal configuration. It looked good, if two bloody incisions with hairy stitches can look good. The nurse proclaimed, "It's beautiful!" Dr. Heninger, a wonderful young man about my oldest son's age, came in and agreed whole heartedly. I go back next Wednesday for stitch removal, and hopefully the okay to start some weight bearing. (I don't do well with crutches. Most couch potatoes don't.)

My wonderful husband has been waiting on me, literally hand and "foot", during this ordeal, to the extent of even carrying me on his back to the truck to take me to my doctor appointment! He'll be happy with a swift recovery, too.

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