Saturday, February 21, 2009

Good Reads

While I was recovering from my foot surgery, I found much more time to read than normal. I won't waste time and space commenting on the books I'd give "thumbs down" to, but I will recommend a couple of worthwhile works, in my opinion.

Fannie Flagg's little A Redbird Christmas was a delight, as well as Can't Wait to Get to Heaven.

Tallgrass by Sandra Dallas was thought provoking. The effect of a World War II Japanese internment camp on a small southeastern Colorado town is seen through the eyes of a thirteen year old girl.

I've just begun She Got Up Off the Couch (and Other Heroic Acts from Mooreland, Indiana) by Haven Kimmel. She is the author of A Girl Named Zippy (Growing Up Small in Mooreland, Indiana). I feel a kinship with Haven Kimmel; we share small town backgrounds, although in her view, a town the size of Williamsport (population 1200) dwarfs minute Mooreland with its mere 300. (I've added her blog to my list.)

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